Microsoft Power BI UK User Group - How to get the most out of the R and Python integration in Power BI With Ryan Wade

Join our Microsoft Power BI – UK User Group for our webinar in association with Onyx Data ( This session we are excited to announce our host Leon Gordon will be introducing Microsoft MVP Ryan Wade.

Part One of this talk is available here –

Please get Ryan’s book Advanced Analytics in Power BI with R and Python: Ingesting, Transforming, Visualizing

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Session Abstract

Power BI is the premier business intelligence tool. R and Python are the top programming languages for data analytics. So, a match was made in heaven when Microsoft decided to add R and Python to Power BI.

How and when you should use R or Python in Power BI is not straightforward. You already have Power Query for data ingestion, and you already have many data visualizations you can easily use. So given that, it is not clear how the R and Python integration can benefit you. I will illustrate how in this talk. I will:

– highlight use cases where it makes sense to use R and Python in Power BI
– best practices you should follow
– resources to learn R and Python


Ryan is an experienced advanced data analytics professional. His education, technical skills, and business acumen enable him to understand things from a technical, analytical, and business viewpoint. He can intuitively present complex data using sound analytical and visualization methods. He has an advanced understanding of R, Python, DAX, SQL, VBA, and M. He knows how to leverage those programming languages for on-prem effectively and cloud-based data analytics solutions using the Microsoft Data Platform. Ryan is the author of Advanced Analytics in Power BI with R and Python and is also a Microsoft Data Platform MVP.

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